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Version 2024.02
When sharing or showing reports to others, always keep in mind your audience. What information should they be allowed to see? What level of detail do they really need to see? Not everyone wants or needs to see the most detailed reports!
For example, if you’re having a budget meeting with your church members, you would not want to show them reports that show how much other people give. And you would probably only want to show them summary reports, rather than highly detailed reports. Better yet, pull out the specific high-level information you think they’ll want to know, and put it in a presentation slide.
You may have people at your organization who need access to some of the reports on a regular basis. To save yourself from having to print the reports periodically (to paper or PDF), you can give them real-time, read-only access to any of the reports.

Go to File > Share to see a couple options.
Accessing the Sharing Menu in Google Sheets
The “Share with Others” option would share the entire workbook with someone. They would have access to every worksheet, every report...everything you see. You could grant read-only access or full access. Be careful using this method!
Alternatively, you can click “Publish to Web”. Click on the dropdown labeled “Entire Document”. Change to the report that you want to share and click “Publish”.
Sharing a Single Report
A long URL will be generated. Copy the URL to give to the people you wish to share with. They’ll have access to the report in near real-time (updated every 5 minutes), but will be unable to edit the report.
Repeat for any other reports you would like to share. Note that each report will generate a different URL.
If you wish to stop sharing a report, go into publish to the web again. In the bottom section, click the dropdown and you’ll see a checkbox next to each report that is shared. Uncheck those you wish to no longer share.
Stop Sharing a Report
Keep in mind, if you share, unshare, then share again, the share URL stays the same, so this wouldn’t be a good way to block someone from accessing the report. If you need to fully revoke access to a report, right click the report's tab and click "Duplicate". Delete the original report (right click the report's tab, click "Delete"). Create new share URL’s to share the new reports with others if desired.
If concerned about these URL’s falling into the wrong hands, you can click File > Print. This will load the active sheet in a print window. You can print or save to a PDF to send a static report. You would need to do this periodically to get the recipient the latest data.
Printing a Report in Google Sheets
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